SUNDAY – Dry Again but very Clingy

Well the beast was dry again, YEAH… But the night wasn’t so easy, BOO….

We all settled in on the couch about 6:30pm – Bing watching “The Affair” on Showtime as it is free this weekend. Bueller kept spinning around on the couch like he just couldn’t get it right for his position or to make sure I was still there. But I enjoyed him as he used me as a pillow many times during his process.

The show was very depressing but a good study on marriages and how easy they can fall apart. I can relate to the characters very well actually it is a little un-nerving…

Back to the Beast, ok so hubby and I went to bed about 9:30… Pup was up at 10:15 – I took him outside – new thing to prevent bed wetting that seems to work (its hell on my R.E.M sleep though as I sleep with one eye open now).  What do I mean by that? Well usually when he jumps down off the couch he just sees no one is around so he goes to his mat, he doesn’t really need to go outside or so he thinks…. But I popped out of bed and lured him outside. He did a good pee, then came in, and hovered in the kitchen. Not a good sign, but rule number 1, never rush an old Bulldog…. This rule could be a blog in itself actually… You see if I rush Bueller he gets really cranky and takes twice as long…

OK back to hovering in the kitchen, I just let him figure it out as I go to the bathroom my self, then I hear it, drinking water… ooo no don’t do that I think in my head but oh well.. It’s done and you don’t want to discourage water drinking with CCBD dogs as they will forget to drink water and that is worse. So off to the TV room to get him settled back into the couch… I climb into bed and sit there listening to him dig into the couch trying to make his little nest… My stomach is getting more and more tight (my nervous Nelly is creeping out) so I get up to see what progress he has made as it is very important that the pee pads stay in place..

Everything was in place but he was kind of stuck on the couch – CCBD thing – so I climbed up on the couch with him and he settled right down. I thought ok, once I hear him snoring I can go back to bed. WRONG… But it’s ok..

Hubby is fighting a sore neck and he is finally sleeping so I am trying very hard not to disturb him while fussing with Bueller in the middle of the night. Alright so he stands in the hall just staring. My new trick is to set up pillows by his mat and sleep there, then he smells me down there and comes to check it out. Then he happily crawls into his mat, puts his tail by my head – this is what he use to do when he slept with us which he doesn’t anymore because of CCBD as he would wonder off the bed falling – not pretty. Anyway, I slept with him for a while, made sure he was snoring good and back to bed I went, this was about maybe 11… He popped up again once more but I got him back to sleep, then he woke  at 5:25am. Yeah I got to sleep an extra 25 minutes. Then he did his routine and went back to bed.



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