To Bad He Can’t use Listerine

Well yesterday was full of hope after our Vet visit. Bueller’s bolting pain turned out to be a nasty mouth infection with a back molar I couldn’t see when I looked.

Top left molar just below his eye. Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 7.19.18 AMNo wonder he wasn’t sleeping at night. Or at least this is what I am clinging to as the reason for his increased nocturnal activities that are really sad to see. Vet gave us an antibiotic (Clindamycin) 300mg to give Bueller twice a day.  He said we should see improvement in Bueller’s discomfort probably within 5 days.


Hence to say last night was another no sleep night however, I did get to sleep in until 7am. Bueller got up at 10 went potty (yeah), then went to his mat in the bedroom where I slept with him long enough for him to sleep then back to bed with the Dude I went. At midnight Bueller was up again, outside he went to pee, kind of hung out but wasn’t altered like he has been YEAH. Got him to go back to sleep on the mat. Yes I slept with him again, it is the only way to get him to settle down he is very anxious with these wake ups but not enough to Xanax him. Then when he starts snoring I get up and go back to bed with the Dude.  Up again at 2pm but he just wanted to go climb into our bed which he can’t do anymore because it isn’t safe for him it’s too high. The only thing worse than waking up to a Dog who doesn’t know who he is, is one that just fell off the bed with a huge clunk. We were so lucky he didn’t break a leg or something worse.

I have to admit he is such a cuddle I really don’t mind these types of wake ups. It’s the ones where he won’t settle in at all that wears on my fatigue, and the Dude is realizing that my method works much better than his. Which is treating him like a normal dog. It just freaks Bueller out then we do have to Xanax him.

The Vet had a GREAT therapy session with us I call it as we have reached a point where we are confined to being home due to Bueller’s issues. We talked about quality of life with Bueller and ours as well. Our Vet is Dr. Robert Dammeyer at the Silverdale VCA Animal hospital. He is so caring and not quick to judge at all. He said that what is most important is that we don’t get to the point of Bueller’s care that you start to resent him and put him down just to be done with him. He has a point, the Dude gets so frustrated with Bueller when I go out for the day and until the Vet said something he realized that this might be what is happening already.

We left feeling that we had hope that Bueller’s recent decline is due to a mouth infection and that we would give this 5 days so see how he is doing. I am crossing my fingers. Plus the Dude is actually considering boarding Bueller so we can get away for ourselves.

Feeling blessed and happy today!!!! Bueller woke up at 8 and I even got the stretch which is the doggy down yoga motion which he hasn’t done in a while. I know I know the meds don’t work that fast. Let me be in denial a little.

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